Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Lord is OUR source!

Okay, I need to get this vent out of me right quick! These head honchos and big wigs or whatever you wanna call them.. So do they NOT know that people really do NEED their jobs and have mortgages, rent, utilities, car notes and or car insurance and a FAMILY to take care of??!!??! Philippians 4:19 NLT And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Truly, truly, truly in these times, we all must solely believe and have faith in that alone! No longer does seniority, job title or position, or how much of a dedicated worker you are matter! People are seriously being laid off. They're still doing cutbacks! We need to KNOW that regardless of having a husband/wife a job/career or whatnot, JESUS IS OUR PROVIDER bc we can easily have those things taken from us. But the Lord will ALWAYS be there! Hebrews 13:5 NLT “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” I SINCERELY PRAY FOR A COVERING AT MY PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT AND OTHER PLACES AS WELL! I PRAY FOR FAVOUR FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN TOLD THEY WERE NO LONGER NEEDED AT THEIR JOB OR WHAT HAVE YOU! I PRAY THAT THE LORD OPENS UP OTHER DOORS AND THAT IT'S SOMETHING MUCH BETTER THAN YOU COULD HAVE EXPECTED! My partner at work says it's scary times and hard to NOT think negative. I can fully agree on the surface.. BUT where my faith lies, it has to be stronger and more powerful than any negative thought that may come my way. I've never been fired nor laid off from a job. But I have gone through a season or two where I couldn't find work up to almost 2yrs. Going through the things I have, and seeing the Lord work out things for MY GOOD, I would have to say, and hope and believe that if I ever were in that position, I'd trust HIM with my all and stay as focused as I knew how! That's not always an easy thing to do b/c thoughts do creep into your mind & then you always have those few "audience" members who makes things worst by panicking & speaking negative and getting you in a tizzy! THERE'S MORE I WANT TO ADD ON THIS POST!!! BE ENCOURAGED, PEOPLE!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

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