Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm Still a Girl

I may not be the kind of girl you like, but I'm still a girl! I don't wear makeup! Yet, I'm still a girl! I don't wear heels, but I'm still a girl! I don't have the biggest chest or the biggest butt, but I'm still a girl. I like to get my nails & feet done (when I can afford it); that's a treat I like to give myself when I can, but if not, I'm still a girl! I rarely wear dresses or skirts, BUT WHEN do, YOU KNOW I'M A GIRL! ;-) 1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. I believe that scripture says it all, but of course, I'm going to do my thing and speak more in it! ;-) I truly love how the Lord uses me with my gift of writing. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because I'm easily inspired and majority of the time can just start writing off my own experiences or things I read, witness or have been told. That's how I came about this particular title & post. I was told that I walk like a grandma & look like one sometimes by the faces I make...:O I already know I don't walk "girlie or feminine". That's deliberate; I didn't know it had a grandma likeness to it! Lolol I guess it's true to some extent because one of my boyfriend's friends who's a female, said out the blue, I looked like someone's grandma. That statement was first made like three months ago. Now, I know my hair was looking a little different (hair appointment was that upcoming Saturday, which I get done every two weeks!) and I was still in my work uniform and probably was looking tired. I didn't know, but no matter how "rough" I might have been looking, I strongly didn't agree with that comment. Well, here you have three or four months later, I told a male friend what she said, and he said I do sometimes, and how he told me the other day I was walking like I just could make it. Hahaha So...needless to say, I did what I do best - wrote about it. Anyone who's known me for a long time can tell you I'm not one of those everyday girlie girls! What I mean by that is I don't wear makeup everyday because I don't wear makeup; my nails aren't done every week or two. My financial situation isn't like it used to be, so that was one treat to myself I had to let go. I don't change my hairstyles every day or every week for that matter. What I get done at the shop, I usually let it last for two weeks until my next appointment. I don't wear girlie tops or jeans and hardly ever wear skirts or dresses. I love earrings and bracelets but I don't always wear them everyday, but I like to on the weekends and especially if I'm going out. Now, I want you to know that starting back in 2008, I slowly started changing that and became more girlie with my tops and the kinds of jeans I wore, and FINALLY became comfortable in my own skin. I finally started EMBRACING, ACCEPTING & LOVING the body the Lord gave me. Needless to say, it was long overdue and I still need some help with some things. Women, we ALL are BEAUTIFUL in our OWN unique ways! It's a cliche, but is very true! Every woman has some feature about them that makes them gorgeous and different from the next woman. Even our flaws. For example, freckles. Some women don't like having them, but some men love women who have them. I was told and also learned for myself that those things which we don't like about ourselves or wish we could change, find the beauty in it and make it work for us! Psalms 139:14 NKJV I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. We all were made according to HIS image! Genesis 1:27 NKJV So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. The Lord is BEAUTIFUL, therefore, so are we! EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUENESS, LADIES! NO MATTER WHAT, YOU'RE STILL A GIRL!!! :-) Thank you, Lord! Be Blessed & Encouraged, My Sisters!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, don't let those people drag you down! Show them that you "ain't" nobody's grandma! Lol. I love how its cool that you feel comfortable in your skin. But may I offer some advice to you, my dear sister. If you want those people to stop commenting about you looking like "someone's grandma", the first thing you need to do is PRAY. Secondly, you need to ask God to show you ways that you can (if you chose) to enhance your appearance, (if you feel that such is a problem.)

    My deal about my appearance is: being that I am a woman of God, I am a presentation of the kingdom. Naturally, I am VERY girly, I love makeup (but I am blessed with skin in which I can go without it and I thank The Lord for that!), I love cute clothes, I love to get my nails done (I actually have an appointment this afternoon!), I love getting my hair done, as well as doing and or taking care of my own hair. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE, shoes...! Girl, I own like 30 pair of heels. JustFab is actually a sin to me, because whenever I visit, I over indulge! KMSL. I love heels. Thank God for cute shoes! Lol.

    My mother taught me, (I actually learned "the hard way") that when we look GOOD on the outside, we feel GREAT on the inside. When I have my hair done, my nails done, and am wearing a cute outfit, you can't tell me nu-tin! And what I've noticed is that, because of my appearance contributing to the way I feel on the inside, people are actually drawn to that. It's like they see God shining through me! Which is always a GREAT thing.

    Not to brag or anything, but I am a pretty decent looking young lady (I used to think I was hideous, girl. I've come a LONG way.) When my hair isn't done, I can't get nothing done. Right now my nails are atrocious, which makes me subconscious. I'm still sitting in my pajamas, and I recently woke up, so I'm still rockin' MB, if you catch my drift. Lol! What I'm saying is that, even though I am comfortable in my own skin, I love everything about me and I'm glad God brought me to that peace with myself, but I don't feel...I don't want to say's just...I don't feel presentable!

    2 Timothy 2:9-10 HCSB says "9 Also, the women are to dress themselves in modest clothing, with decency and good sense, not with elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive apparel, 10 but with good works, as is proper for women who affirm that they worship God."

    What this means to me is that I know that I don't need look "all fancy" to be worthy of God's glory, but I know I need to look ACCEPTABLE. As I said before, I am a woman of God so I need to look REPRESENT His kingdom. Nothing extravagant, but at all times MODEST. I love that scripture. It totally got my point across.

