Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm Still a Girl

I may not be the kind of girl you like, but I'm still a girl! I don't wear makeup! Yet, I'm still a girl! I don't wear heels, but I'm still a girl! I don't have the biggest chest or the biggest butt, but I'm still a girl. I like to get my nails & feet done (when I can afford it); that's a treat I like to give myself when I can, but if not, I'm still a girl! I rarely wear dresses or skirts, BUT WHEN do, YOU KNOW I'M A GIRL! ;-) 1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. I believe that scripture says it all, but of course, I'm going to do my thing and speak more in it! ;-) I truly love how the Lord uses me with my gift of writing. I thank God for the Holy Spirit because I'm easily inspired and majority of the time can just start writing off my own experiences or things I read, witness or have been told. That's how I came about this particular title & post. I was told that I walk like a grandma & look like one sometimes by the faces I make...:O I already know I don't walk "girlie or feminine". That's deliberate; I didn't know it had a grandma likeness to it! Lolol I guess it's true to some extent because one of my boyfriend's friends who's a female, said out the blue, I looked like someone's grandma. That statement was first made like three months ago. Now, I know my hair was looking a little different (hair appointment was that upcoming Saturday, which I get done every two weeks!) and I was still in my work uniform and probably was looking tired. I didn't know, but no matter how "rough" I might have been looking, I strongly didn't agree with that comment. Well, here you have three or four months later, I told a male friend what she said, and he said I do sometimes, and how he told me the other day I was walking like I just could make it. Hahaha So...needless to say, I did what I do best - wrote about it. Anyone who's known me for a long time can tell you I'm not one of those everyday girlie girls! What I mean by that is I don't wear makeup everyday because I don't wear makeup; my nails aren't done every week or two. My financial situation isn't like it used to be, so that was one treat to myself I had to let go. I don't change my hairstyles every day or every week for that matter. What I get done at the shop, I usually let it last for two weeks until my next appointment. I don't wear girlie tops or jeans and hardly ever wear skirts or dresses. I love earrings and bracelets but I don't always wear them everyday, but I like to on the weekends and especially if I'm going out. Now, I want you to know that starting back in 2008, I slowly started changing that and became more girlie with my tops and the kinds of jeans I wore, and FINALLY became comfortable in my own skin. I finally started EMBRACING, ACCEPTING & LOVING the body the Lord gave me. Needless to say, it was long overdue and I still need some help with some things. Women, we ALL are BEAUTIFUL in our OWN unique ways! It's a cliche, but is very true! Every woman has some feature about them that makes them gorgeous and different from the next woman. Even our flaws. For example, freckles. Some women don't like having them, but some men love women who have them. I was told and also learned for myself that those things which we don't like about ourselves or wish we could change, find the beauty in it and make it work for us! Psalms 139:14 NKJV I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. We all were made according to HIS image! Genesis 1:27 NKJV So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. The Lord is BEAUTIFUL, therefore, so are we! EMBRACE YOUR UNIQUENESS, LADIES! NO MATTER WHAT, YOU'RE STILL A GIRL!!! :-) Thank you, Lord! Be Blessed & Encouraged, My Sisters!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Lord is OUR source!

Okay, I need to get this vent out of me right quick! These head honchos and big wigs or whatever you wanna call them.. So do they NOT know that people really do NEED their jobs and have mortgages, rent, utilities, car notes and or car insurance and a FAMILY to take care of??!!??! Philippians 4:19 NLT And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Truly, truly, truly in these times, we all must solely believe and have faith in that alone! No longer does seniority, job title or position, or how much of a dedicated worker you are matter! People are seriously being laid off. They're still doing cutbacks! We need to KNOW that regardless of having a husband/wife a job/career or whatnot, JESUS IS OUR PROVIDER bc we can easily have those things taken from us. But the Lord will ALWAYS be there! Hebrews 13:5 NLT “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.” I SINCERELY PRAY FOR A COVERING AT MY PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT AND OTHER PLACES AS WELL! I PRAY FOR FAVOUR FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN TOLD THEY WERE NO LONGER NEEDED AT THEIR JOB OR WHAT HAVE YOU! I PRAY THAT THE LORD OPENS UP OTHER DOORS AND THAT IT'S SOMETHING MUCH BETTER THAN YOU COULD HAVE EXPECTED! My partner at work says it's scary times and hard to NOT think negative. I can fully agree on the surface.. BUT where my faith lies, it has to be stronger and more powerful than any negative thought that may come my way. I've never been fired nor laid off from a job. But I have gone through a season or two where I couldn't find work up to almost 2yrs. Going through the things I have, and seeing the Lord work out things for MY GOOD, I would have to say, and hope and believe that if I ever were in that position, I'd trust HIM with my all and stay as focused as I knew how! That's not always an easy thing to do b/c thoughts do creep into your mind & then you always have those few "audience" members who makes things worst by panicking & speaking negative and getting you in a tizzy! THERE'S MORE I WANT TO ADD ON THIS POST!!! BE ENCOURAGED, PEOPLE!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Friendship Grace

Heather Lindsey Tuesday 10:08 A.M.
Why are you dumping every friend that has a character flaw as if you don't have one of your own? Start gracing people because God could be using YOU to help reveal it to THEM. That same grace you give them.. You will find that you need down the road.

Proverbs 18:24 NLT

There are “friends” who destroy each other,
but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

I'm so glad I seen this status this morning cause it was definitely a slap in the face! A lot of my friends I've stopped speaking to or just completely dismissed b/c of their lifestyle or the things they partake in. Now, there DOES come a time when in our lives when you must separate yourselves from friends and start receiving a new group of people in your life. That's not what I'm talking about here. Going off of Miss Lindsey's post, I'm thinking she's referring to those strongholds or certain things we KNOW our friends are struggling with and are trying to change and get better at, but because they can't "get it together" quick enough, we drop em!

When I think about it, it really is sad how we are so quick 2 dismiss & throw away people but quickly forget how the Lord is long-suffering with us and has such GREAT compassion, mercy and grace, yet WE (including myself!) we tend to forget to display those same things towards others. :-( Romans 13:8 NLT Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law. 1 Peter 4:8 NKJV And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” We are to build up, and not tear down one another! Pray & ask the Lord to help you, teach you how to be a better friend. NONE OF US HAVE ARRIVED OR MADE IT YET! So, until we close our eyes to this world, we are still battling, struggling, going through & learning! My Ace-Deuce is quick to "cut me" (as I like to call it). It does hurt, but it's for MY GOOD! I pray that you are greatly blessed & encouraged by this posting! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Desperate times calls for DETERMINED Faith!
This popular phrase was in my spirit the other day, so I wanted to talk on that. I hate when I get to flowing or when a lot of things come to me I'm not able to write about it like I want. So, bare with me, this title and another post I have in the works for today! ;-)
I myself, even now from time-to-time feel desperate or compelled to take drastic matters in regards to my financial situation. But I've learned from personal experiences that when we get desperate and try to take care of the matter of our own, not only do we make the situation WORST than what it is, but in reality we're telling the Lord we don't trust Him! Actually, we are and I have basically called Him a liar and saying He's not going to do what He says! I HAVE TO SAY OUCH TO MYSELF ON THAT ONE!!! :-\ STAY TUNED..
In the meantime..
Psalm 46:10 NLT
“Be still, and know that (HE) I am (IS) God!"
~Raven J.

Okay, I'm very sorry for the super long excuses! I said I'd have this post as well as another one finished Friday,and here it is, Monday in the afternoon. I told a sister last night that I have some many testimonies and posts that I want to connect with this one. I'm on my lunch break now which is soon to be over (30 mins zoom by in a flash!)

So, I wanted to talk about how there are times when things happen to us and we feel forced or desperate to take the matter into our own hands instead of having the faith in the Lord above to come to our rescue. 

Psalm 116:1-2 NLT

I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray a song as I have breath! 

My own personal testimony on this next issue I can now publicly share without conviction. Back in 2009 I started struggling and getting behind in my car payments as well as my "lovely"  school loans! Steady getting calls from them asking if I had anyone who could help me.... HELLO, IF I DID, YOU WOULDN'T BE HARASSING ME NOW!!?? SMH
I still remember clear as day the lady asking me if I was able to afford to pay that car. I did not want to lose my truck. The Lord blessed me with that car and made a way for me to be able to get it WITHOUT having a co-signer! Even tho the dealerships were trying to stress that to me. 

Feeling overwhelmed and desperate and wanting to get my finances under control myself, I got in deeper with the payday loan stores! It got SO OUT OF CONTROL, that I started borrowing from other & new loan places just to payback the ones u was already indebted to! SMH I was gone! Nobody knew about that except maybe my sister, and IF she did, she didn't know the severity of it. My pride wouldn't let me tell my boyfriend I was with at the time because he always seen things un black & white. It was like certain situations you just don't let yourself get in and trust God and this & that... So, I couldn't and wouldn't ask him for financial help.. And you know those little petty bills started to add up! My credit card company had a lawsuit out against me :-( The loan places which I thought would or could SAVE me, only made my situation worst to the fullest, leaving me in such a state I didn't know how nor could I see myself recovering from. The end results: I filed bankruptcy!!! Ending this post on that note... All I can say is, it's true when they say take EVERYTHING to the Lord in prayer! He already knows our situations & our state of mind; He just wants us to COMMUNE with Him on the regularly to RECEIVE wisdom, so we won't put ourselves into unnecessary situations! He truly does love us & cares about what happens to us and what we go through! WE just need to trust HIM MORE and NOT man or ourselves! I pray that you are deeply inspired & encouraged by the Lord Himself! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Quickly I need to share this! Idk if this was directly for me because how the Lord has been blessing me and having me connect with new people regarding my writings and desiring to have a career in that field.. He's been opening doors for me and I've been receiving a lot of great feedback! But it may not solely be for me. It may be for my Ace-Deuce Traci n her situation, or someone from my #IG FAM that needs confirmation... But this was dropped into my spirit out of the blue and I pray that it touches who it needs to touch and begins to manifest even the more! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!! XoXoXo

~Raven J.

It's the LITTLE things!

Luke 16:10 NLT

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

Hello Luvs!

I know it's super late and I most definitely should be sleeping but I needed to post this little message.


So, until I'm able to get that straightened out, please feel free to email me at! I also use #Google+ and I post my Blog on there as well. So you're more than welcome to add me to your Circles and Share my Blog and post your comments on there! :-) 

Okay, back to this quick post. I have always considered myself a simple girl/woman when it comes to relationships. What I mean by that is I don't really ask for much. It has always been the little things that move me and get my attention. To this day, I think my Bae has a difficult time appreciating my APPRECIATION of him! Hahahah I compliment and tell him things and he's always like, "It's nothing" or like he really doesn't see it as a big deal. Well, for me, it is! ;-) For I feel if you care that much about the simplest things, you'll care that much greater about the bigger things! If not, you should!!! 


I say all of that in case someone needs to be reminded that those "little things" they do, does matter and can have a great impact on someone!
 A perfect example of that is a SMILE! Some people are going through the worst storms and trials and just feel down, or may be having issues at home, work or wherever, and you could just smile at them and ask how their day is or just smile as you past them by and that could lift their spirits. 
I can personally relate to that because a lady at my job said to me once that every time she sees me I'm always smiling and that makes her day. I felt GREAT inside because I KNOW it's the LIGHT of the Lord that's within me shining on the outside! Thank you, Father! 

So, don't ever underestimate your little doings & generosity because it could mean the WORLD to someone! 
God Bless & Sweet Dreams!
XoXoXo ~Raven J 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Lord's Love

Good Morning to all of those who are viewing this! Be sure to spread the word!;-) I've been receiving a lot of GREAT feedback! I truly, truly appreciate all the love and support! It means a great deal to me! *HUGS & MUCH LOVE* to you all!!!

I don't have Internet access at home right now so that's why I haven't been posting regularly like I want. Nevertheless, I'm at work right now and hope to be able to finish thus before having to clock in! :-P

About a week ago, I was watching episodes of Full House, and the last one I watched was the one where Stephanie accidentally drove Joey's car through the kitchen window. The last clip of the show ended with Danny telling Stephanie that she could never do anything that would make him stop loving her.

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NLT

4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

Instantly hearing those lines, I thought about the love the Lord has for us - NEVER-ENDING! I also thought about how scared Stephanie was that she ended up running away.
She asked her dad how could he possibly still love her after she done what she did?

I can guarantee we all have done something when we younger or even in our  teenage years and we just felt like it was the end of the world for us! Our parents may have been furious and probably did give us a serious beat-down (not child abuse, just a good old-fashioned whooping)  that which we did, didn't remove their love us. If anything, their disciplinary action proved they loved us!

Proverbs 13:24 NLT

"Those who spare the rod if discipline hate their children. Those which love their children care enough to discipline them."

I hope you all KNOW that NO SIN is greater or less than the other! In GOD'S EYES, they're all the same and all lead to the same place. So, whatever mistakes you make or short-comings you have, the Lord won't ever stop loving you or caring from you. Too often when we felt we've disappointed God, we run away from Him and stop having a relationship with Him because we feel the mess we've gotten ourselves into is just so great, why would He choose to deal with us now?? But His grace and mercies are new everyday! A new day to start over and get it right!!! :-)

Also, in saying all if that, just because the Lord is a merciful God, doesn't mean we should take advantage of HIS LOVE for us! 

Romans 8:38 NLT

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.

I know just about all of us who've come to know the true love of Christ have felt that way at some point in our lives. If we backslide, if we disobeyed God or kept failing the tests or just had a hard time understanding the things of the Lord or getting things right in our lives. We're like, after all this mess I've done, this mess I'm in, how can He still love me after all of that?

I'm going to have to come back and Edit this post, but please be Encouraged & God Bless you 2day!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J.

Friday, January 11, 2013

ENCOURAGERS Need Lifting Up, Too!

Good Morning & Happy Friday!!!

I first want to take a minute to thank everyone who has taken the time & patience to read my Blog posts and spread the word! I humbly appreciate the feedback, love & support! I'm staying humble & grounded and knowing that it's NOT about how many viewers I get or how many subscribers I get, but that people are truly ENCOURAGED in a world where it all seems hopeless! So many have given or are giving up life! I thank the Lord for blessing me with the gift of Inspiring people! We ALL need that! And it seems like we all need it more than ever!
So... Even if the layout of my Blog (temporary - I'm still learning! :-)] doesn't immediately catch your attention, it's my prayer & hope that the words I have written does! I pray that you are reminded of God's love, of His Grace & Mercy and that you regain hope for whatever situation you're going through! If this isn't for you, that's find! But I'm sure we all know someone who could relate and be blessed by this site.

OK..Sorry, that was longer than I wanted! Hey, it's the #WRITER in me! :-P

I wanted to remind myself and others that those who have the gift & ability to encourage others in their storm (some people don't know how to encourage), that we need to be uplifted, too! I say that because all that we pour our drains us and then we need to have the Lord pour back into us. Ironically, sometimes we're so optimistic and have such great faith when it comes to another person's situation, but we have a harder time believing it during our own trials. As they say, sometimes people are so strong, people around them feel they never break and can endure any and everything. That's not always the case! Behind closed doors is usually where their guards are let down. So, remember to Thank those who have made a difference in your life! Thank those who has ever encouraged you, or just blessed you in some kind of way! A hug and a smile goes a LONG way! We may not always understand a person's situation or can relate, but just the thought of them knowing you ARE there & DO CARE makes all the difference in the world!

So, on this Friday, let's continue to help and encourage one another. Let us remember to pour into one another as the Lord himself is always pouring into us!

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

Acts 2:18 NLT

In those days I will pour out my Spirit
even on my servants—men and women alike—
and they will prophesy.


~Raven J.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


“If you pray about it don't worry about it. If you're going to worry about it don't pray about it.”

― Steve Harvey

Good Morning, Luvs!

Happy Humpday! I hope the first full week back to work since the holidays hasn't been too challenging! :-D

I wanted to share with you today something I'm pretty sure we all can relate to, and if if you're not feeling this way now, I can guarantee you have before in the past and will experience it in the future. "Financial hardships (as the school loans department likes to call it)

With the way the economy is, the difficulties of finding a job, a good one and good paying one at that, there are a lot if people, including myself who are unfortunately living from check-to-check and are just barely getting by. With my school loans and other monthly bills, it always seems as if I can't receive a break, and when I do obtain extra funds, its always going towards a bill.

I want to encourage you today to take your mind off those financial burdens and place your mind on the Lord. He sees and knows our struggles. He wants to rescue us and strengthen us, but we have to have the faith & trust and believe He will see us through!

Thank you, Jesus!
The Bible scripture for today just happens to be Jeremiah 17:7  "But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence." FYI - I had no idea that was the scripture for today. It just confirms that once again, my encouragement for today is definitely "on time!" So, I thank the Lord for His leading and the Holy Spirit for the anointing that's within me.

Things happen in life that we sometimes have no control over, or we make bad money decisions or we just get more bills or prices go up. It's happened; it's done, but  don't let it consume you and strip you away of the peace and joy that's inside of you!

Most of you know the scripture I'm sure from Matthew 6:34 "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." As well as verse 26: "Look at the birds. They don't plant KR harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him then they are?"

I close in saying this, Trust your financial stories and everyday cares into the Lord! Pray to Him about your situations and leave them there! Don't believe Him to make a way and then you go worrying and talking about the situation. Those bill collectors are going to call, they're going to hound you, but you just ask the Lord to touch their hearts and have mercy on you and ask to set up a reasonable payment plan. You don't know unless you try and ask! I know personally what the Lord can do when you just tell Him honestly how you're feeling and his you need HIM to get you through it.

I pray you all are Blessed & Encouraged today and have an AWESOMELY BLESSED DAY!!! XoXoXo

Raven J.

Monday, January 7, 2013


GM, Luvs!
I hope you all has a very blessed and an enjoyable weekend!

Today I want to encourage you to dream big! No matter how crazy or ridiculous your dream(s) may sound to others or even to yourself, don't stop chasing em! The only way it won't happen is IF you don't attempt to try and God says No.

Don't waste any opportunities and please don't take advantage of the doors the Lord opens for you! You never know when that opportunity is going to come again, and. You don't k ow how long you'll have to wait for it to come around again.

Only the Lord can open doors that "man"  can't. And only the Lord can close doors that no man can open. So if you know God has given you the desire to act on those gifts & talents He's blessed you with, GO FOR IT! DON'T LET LACK OF A DEGREE, LACK OF FINACES, EXPERIENCES or even lack of emotional support stop you from chasing your dreams!

They say Dreamers never sleep, and sleepers never dream! It'll take hard world, but it will DEFINITELY br worth it! And use your gifts to glorify Him!

Colossians 3:23 NLT

23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

I pray your are Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord 2day!

~Raven J.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Feeling Alone

Good Morning, Luvs!

Sorry I have not posted in the past two days...I was in my own self-pity and just couldn't force myself to get my writing gears going. I'm working on that, so please forgive me. I hope you've been enjoying my posts so far!

I want to talk to you today about what to do when you're feeling alone, when in actuality, we're never alone! No matter what our spouses, significant others or family and friends may do or say to us to make us feel like we are, that's farthest from the truth!

The Word of God says in Hebrews 13:5, "For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

Why if we have this promise from God, we are left with the feeling of loneliness when our loved ones leave us, or our friends desert us, or when it seems like nothing is going right in our lives? I think it's because our heart and trust is not in the right person or thing. 

Isaiah 2:22 NLT
Don’t put your trust in mere humans.
    They are as frail as breath.
    What good are they?

Psalm 118:8
It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in man.

Yes, we have family and friends that we love dearly, but we as humans, we fail. God has and never will fail us! When we take our focus off of the Lord and start looking at man, we are going to get hurt and disappointed when certain things are done to us because being in the flesh, it's to be expected. That's why the Bible tells us in Galatians to walk in the spirit. Trust - I know all too well that it's not easy, but the more we do it, the more it becomes habit-forming and the things that would usually effect us and easily change our mood will no longer have that kind of power.

I woke up around 4 or 5 this morning just feeling very alone. I'm involved with someone, but yet, I felt like I was all alone. I felt like I no longer mattered. My Twin, as we've been calling each other since 2001, said to me, "I think being alone when you're with someone is the worse. That's insane!"
I've been told a time and time again that a person or being in a relationship doesn't dictate the happiness we have. I finally got that after all these years! BUT...You still want to be happy with the person you're with. I know relationships aren't always going to be hugs & kisses and disagreements and misunderstandings will occur. I got that. I just don't think we should ever be made to feel like that, nor, should we make the person we're in a relationship with, feel like they are alone. So, if we put and keep our trust in God and not man, and not lose focus or forget the immeasurable amount of love He has for us, no matter what happens to us in this life, the Lord is always by our side and He cares about what we're going through and what we feel.

So, I'm saying to you as I say to myself, whenever you get that dreaded feeling of being alone or that nobody cares about you, remember that Jesus cared so much that He died for our sins to take away every punishment that was due to us! So, don't ever allow anyone or any situation to make you feel like you're alone or that you don't matter in this world! Jesus always cares and is always there!!!

I pray you are Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord 2day! XoXoXo

~Raven J

Friday, January 4, 2013


Morning Luvs and Happy Friday! I'm working on a new blog I should've had ready last night, so I'm posting one of my old writings from my Evernote. Hope you enjoy and are blessed by it! Feel free to subscribe and spread the word! Thanks much!!! XoXoXo

~Raven J.

We all have our days. We have our GREAT days, our Good days, our OK days and and our less-than OK days. Sometimes we feel like we're on top of the world and with God, can't nobody touch us or say anything to us to that will cause us to fall from that high. Then we have those days were we feel totally useless, pathetic, unloved, alone, trapped, not moving, not growing, not learning, so undeserving that we just don't wanna feel anymore or wanna have a pity-party.

BUT...I have learned that when I talk out loud to the Lord, it makes the next breath, not the next step, a little easier. No matter how small a problem may seem to you (Everything is LITTLE 2 GOD!), or how GREAT the situation or circumstances APPEAR, NEVER GIVE UP HOPE OR LOSE FAITH! (That is where I true test comes from, I believe). I KNOW 4 MYSELF that the Lord Jesus DOES hear and DOES answer me when I talk to HIM about my baby problems or my adult problems!

Psalm 55:22 NLT

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.

I pray that you will Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord today! XOXOXO

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Romance Doesn't Stop

Originally written on December 7, 2012

That A you received on your book report; when you first learned how to drive; your first car you bought; your first house you purchased; that job promotion you got -  what do they all have on common?? IT TOOK HARD WORK & DEDICATION! The same goes for relationships & marriages! The Romance Doesn't or SHOULDN'T stop just because you now officially have that person! All that you did n what it all took for you to win that person over and have them fall for you/in love with you should continue throughout your time together! Why get comfortable & feel like those things no longer matter?? I'd see it as two things: either all of that was an act or you no longer care! If he or she was not easy to get, you should work just as hard if not harder to keep him or her happy! Trust - there's always someone watching & waiting for that opportunity! Don't lose something great because you no longer feel like putting in the same effort it took to get you there...

Sandy Brook Children Returning

Please pray for the Sandy Hook students and their families as the children return to class today. Shared via Plume

HE NEVER Changes!

Good Morning, Luvs!

I hope everyone has been having a great New Year thus far! All I've hearing at work since New Year's is some of the ladies talking about going on these diets and what have you! Eating healthy is great, but some of these women are worried about their "weight", and I so much wish they could see what I see! 

Anyway, this morning I wanted to share with you something that came into my spirit the other day. I hope it blesses you and reminds you of God's awesome love for you and that although we change, He changes not!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Ever go into a situation being 100% sure about it, and then later down the line, become unsure and somewhat confused? The Bible says in I Corinthians 14:33,
For God is not the author of confusion but of peace.
So , what happened that changed our minds so drastically? Were we never sure in the first place? Did we get scared in what we got ourselves involved in? They say, "Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it." That phrase is very true because sometimes when we get what we want or prayed for, we don't know how to take care of it or appreciate it. So, if God is not the author of confusion and He changes not, why do we always change our minds about things we were dead-set on from the beginning?! Well, from my own personal experiences, I can only think of three things. One - that thing or situation which we were sure about, the Lord didn't have planned for us to begin with. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and shall direct your path." It was a decision we didn't seek  the Lord about or wait for any confirmation and just went on our. Two - we allowed fear to kick in and take over. Or Three - which I seem to keep experiencing in my personal life - Life got in the way.

I've had experiences with all three of these, but the latter seems to be the one that keeps following me. I'm learning and have been told that life experiences can be the cause of one's altering their once determined minds about something they were once so happy and for certain about. Yes, LIFE does happen! But Life does go on! As painful as that sounds, we shouldn't stop living, stop trying or stop pursuing those things just because life gets hectic & busy! You might as well not be living! (Not promoting suicide in the least!!!!) I'm just tired of people who make these promises and declarations, but as soon as challenges & "the real world happens", they're quick to runaway or back-out of their committments, or now they're no longer sure about what they want. I'll be the first to raise my hand and say that I easily get confused and second-guess myself, but that's from my own personal issues I'm dealing with. I've rambled on and said all of that to say, The Lord Jesus will never change His mind about us! Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I do not change;" When decide to commit to something or someone, let us make sure we weigh out every scenario, because even tho we may have the intentions of backing up our words with actions, some people don't get that promise. Some people can't handle certain thing that life deals them or they have yet to find a way to balance and/or understand it all. That's why we need the Lord Jesus to help us prioritize our obligations and to help us with the things that overwhelm us in this life! We're not to back out of our words, unless it's something out of our control, but we should always try our best do what we say and to not easily allow the challenges of this life to take away our desires & dreams.

I'm sorry if this blog was confusing and kind of got off track. I'm connecting it to my own close personal experience and I was trying to talk around the specific subject itself, without putting all of the business out there! Hahaha never the less, the subject remains the same. God never changes, even tho we often do! Be Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord 2day!!! XoXoXo

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Grace and Car Testimony - Birthday Gift From The Lord!

This particular post is very special to me because it talks about how the Lord blessed me and my season of trusting HIM like never before. I've shared this in my Notes on Facebook, as well as giving the link to certain individuals and I also have it saved in my #Evernote, which I <3!!! This, nor any of my postings is to have the spotlight on myself, but to share the 'Light of the Lord' that's within me' to everyone else! :-) The Lord has blessed me with certain gifts & talents and I'm going to do my best to use them for HIS GLORY ALONE! THANK YOU, AND BE ENCOURAGED!!!
Last summer, on June 19, around 4 something in the morning, my car was hit while it was it had been before. I had been home for about two weeks from having surgery (another testimony). The lady that hit me HAD TO HAVE BEEN SPEEDING from the damages she did to the Jeep and on account of what happened to her car: her car flipped over two or three times and the glass shattered. She and her newborn baby were in the car. They walked away with just a few scratches and being shook up, but that was it. By the grace of God. A lot of us believe that because her baby was in the car with her, no officers thought to give her a sobriety or drug test because of what she told the police, the look of the accident doesn't add up! Supposedly, an alcoholic beverage was near the accident scene. Whether that was hers or not, we may never come to find out. Now, she didn't have any car  insurance, as neither did I. 

4. a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior: It was only
through the dean's grace that I wasn't expelled from school. Synonyms:
forgiveness, charity, mercifulness. Antonyms: animosity, enmity,
5. mercy; clemency; pardon: He was saved by an act of grace from the
governor. Synonyms: lenity, leniency, reprieve. Antonyms: harshness.
6. favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity.
7. an allowance of time after a debt or bill has become payable
granted to the debtor before suit can be brought against him or her or
a penalty applied: The life insurance premium is due today, but we
have 31 days' grace before the policy lapses. Compare grace period.
BEFORE the Wisconsin Car Insurance Law went into effect around January 2010, I had already been driving without car insurance. My premiums had went up and I just got rid of it after paying it out. Now, ever since I've been driving, I've always kept insurance on my cars. This was a first for me. I knew, I knew I was taking a huge gamble in every way you could think of. It was only by the grace of God that I never hit anyone or anyone hit me those two or three years of driving without any insurance. God covered me and protected me EVERY..SINGLE..TIME I drove somewhere! I don't doubt there were plenty of times I could have been in accidents but the Lord seen fit to grace me during that season.
There are a lot things that members of the body end up doing they KNOW IS WRONG, but God may give them a grace period. That in NO WAY MEANS THAT IT'S OKAY OR ACCEPTABLE TO GOD. ~James 4:17 "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." All I'm saying is, OUR WALK WITH THE LORD IS AN EVERYDAY BATTLE AND STRUGGLE! NOT JUST WITH THE LITTLE THINGS, BUT WITH ALL THINGS AND ALL AREAS OF LIFE! It's about your heart, your sincerity, your humbleness... God will grace us in our lives and in our situations because He loves us THAT MUCH, BUT we should NOT take advantage of that! We never know when our grace period will run out! There are some people who have more grace than others and there are some who, depending on the calling of their life, LITERALLY CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE THAT RISK!
With that being said, I lost my reliable transportation and "livelihood" as a couple of people put it. Now, my neighbor, bless his heart, he was urging me to get an estimate of the damages that were done to the Jeep and to get it to where the lady would have to pay for the damages somewhere down the line. He just wanted to make sure that she paid for that and I was taken care of in regards to that situation. Now, watch how I had to go to another level and TRUST GOD in a way I hadn't before IN THIS SITUATION! With my work schedule being the way it is and car shops and whatnot being closed by the time I get off, it was hard trying to find a place to get it towed to for an estimate, and how to go about getting it towed there because the car was literally no longer drivable and had to be towed on a flatbed. I needed to have money to get it towed  and looked at, and then towed back; I needed to be able to drop it off before work to get it looked at and couldn't; no mechanics were able to come out to my house and look at and just became very time-consuming and frustrating. I just kept saying, "I want this to be over. I want to get past this. I want to let this go." I said, "I'm not cursing her, but she's going to have to pay for what she's done. I just wanna move on." I allowed my spirit to get quiet and talk to the Lord and just tell Him that I'm trusting Him in this situation and believing that He's going to take care of me and work it out for me. Now, my NATURAL man was like, "Are u crazy? That's money you deserve, passing over and etc, etc." But my spirit man was calm and I FINALLY had PEACE about the situation. I was no longer stressing or worrying about it. I was FREE from it cause I surrendered it over to the Lord. ~Psalms 55:22 "Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you." Again, my spirit was cool and relaxed about it, but it was an adjustment and a HUMBLING experience for me and my flesh!
So, here we have 8 months later, and the Lord blessed me big! My early birthday gift from Him that I've had for two weeks now!!! AND YES, I HAVE INSURANCE!!! LOLOL I can laugh and make jokes about that NOW....The Lord blessed me really, really good with my insurance policy, too...STILL AT FULL COVERAGE!!!! GOD IS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT! 
i know this was a BOOK to read, but I wanted to break everything down with the hopes of encouraging someone today! It's not to shine light on myself, but on How AWESOME the Lord is, and that ALL WE GOTTA DO IS TRUST HIM! TRUST HIM! TRUST HIM! TRUST HIM! BE BLESSED AND ENCOURAGED IN THE LORD TODAY!!!! XOXOXO

Encourage Yourself

Good Morning Luvs! 

I wanted to bless you this morning with an Inspirational Fact that I hope gets you through your day or anything you may dealing with.  Popular Gospel music artist #DonaldLawrence has a famous song called,  "Encourage Yourself". I had to do that yesterday evening. I was feeling sad about a personal situation I'd been dealing with and didn't feel like doing anything. I said to myself, "I can't lay here in my own self pity. I can't waste the first day of the New Year having not done anything I said I wanted to do." 
I had written my "2013 Goals" in my journal and I had to remind myself of that. Verse 1 of that song goes, "Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test. And no matter how you feel, speak the word and you will be healed; speak over yourself, encourage yourself in the Lord". So, even though I was feeling in a funky mood, I had to force myself to get up and start achieving what I desired to do. 
Some scriptures on Encouragement :

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you,  I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand." 

Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." 

There are a few others I'd like to share but I have to get started at work now. Until later, Be Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord 2day!!! XoXoXo ~Raven J. 

Using my gifts

Good Morning/Good Night Followers!

This is my first offical blog posting! I'm excited as I am finally learning how to get it together. STILL SOOO MUCH to learn, so please be kind and bare with me! :-)

Anyone willing to give me any tips, tricks or any other advice, I'd greatly appreacite it!!! I've been giving some great info, a huge amount of YouTube videos and other links, but you can never have too much information for this kind of thing! The number one challenge I'm dealing with as of right now is desigining my layout and finding some nice templates and different buttons for the layout. The backgrouonds I tried to use, I was told the size was too large...I'm all about customizing and having things layed out to my liking.

My main purpose for wanting to do a blog (for two years now) is for one, the Lord has blessed me with the gift of writing. I've been sitting on my writing gift for years and I know my time is running out that with all the Lord has deposited in me, he will soon take away and give to someone else who will use it for His glory! I know blogging is a great outlet to have my writings noticed, but not so much just that, but to be able to encourage people with the things the Lord has given me, inspirations I get from other brothers & sisters in Christ, my own personal experiences and reflections and just everyday living.  
                         I recently learned of another gift the Lord has blessed me with and that is of inspiring people. A lady who I instantly became friends with via #Foursquare a month earlier through another friend posted this on my Wall on #Facebook back in August 2012.
I'd never realized just how much of an encourager I was. There are a lot of postings that I just reshare on Facebook that I think my Facebook friends and family can relate to and enjoy. There's also my own personal statuses that people seem to take a liking to. So, with that being said, I knew having my own blog would be a better avenue for me because I do a lot of venting in my writing on Facebook and some people don't like it or this, that and the other. With my blog, I have more freedom to express myself without worrying about offending anyone (that's never my intentions to begin with) or thinking about what people are going to say. Venting in my writings help me a lot - just allow me to get off my chest what I need to and I'm OK. Like I said on Facebook, "it's not to offend anyone, but if you don't like what you're reading, stop reading it."

I think I've said more than enough for my first blog post! Hahah FYI: I LOVE to write and talk so my blogs may go on & on sometimes! ;-) I thank you for reading and hope you'll be back and tell others! Like I said in the beginning, bare with me as I'm still learning and trying to get things together. Be Blessed & Encouraged in the Lord 2day!! XoXoXo