Friday, January 11, 2013

ENCOURAGERS Need Lifting Up, Too!

Good Morning & Happy Friday!!!

I first want to take a minute to thank everyone who has taken the time & patience to read my Blog posts and spread the word! I humbly appreciate the feedback, love & support! I'm staying humble & grounded and knowing that it's NOT about how many viewers I get or how many subscribers I get, but that people are truly ENCOURAGED in a world where it all seems hopeless! So many have given or are giving up life! I thank the Lord for blessing me with the gift of Inspiring people! We ALL need that! And it seems like we all need it more than ever!
So... Even if the layout of my Blog (temporary - I'm still learning! :-)] doesn't immediately catch your attention, it's my prayer & hope that the words I have written does! I pray that you are reminded of God's love, of His Grace & Mercy and that you regain hope for whatever situation you're going through! If this isn't for you, that's find! But I'm sure we all know someone who could relate and be blessed by this site.

OK..Sorry, that was longer than I wanted! Hey, it's the #WRITER in me! :-P

I wanted to remind myself and others that those who have the gift & ability to encourage others in their storm (some people don't know how to encourage), that we need to be uplifted, too! I say that because all that we pour our drains us and then we need to have the Lord pour back into us. Ironically, sometimes we're so optimistic and have such great faith when it comes to another person's situation, but we have a harder time believing it during our own trials. As they say, sometimes people are so strong, people around them feel they never break and can endure any and everything. That's not always the case! Behind closed doors is usually where their guards are let down. So, remember to Thank those who have made a difference in your life! Thank those who has ever encouraged you, or just blessed you in some kind of way! A hug and a smile goes a LONG way! We may not always understand a person's situation or can relate, but just the thought of them knowing you ARE there & DO CARE makes all the difference in the world!

So, on this Friday, let's continue to help and encourage one another. Let us remember to pour into one another as the Lord himself is always pouring into us!

1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

Acts 2:18 NLT

In those days I will pour out my Spirit
even on my servants—men and women alike—
and they will prophesy.


~Raven J.

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