Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fornication Got Me Pregnant & Alone

Blessings to all who took the time to read my post. I greatly appreciate it! SPREAD THE WORD!! Much Love to each and everyone of you..


The Holy Spirit put this in my spirit last week and I've been attempting to finish it up because I feel it's a needed message for right now. For those who read my blog or any of my writings that I post, you're probably aware that a big majority of it are my own personal testimonies and the other half is something the Lord places in my spirit that usually comes from something I've heard or watched or even from something someone has shared with me. That's just the way the Lord has chosen to use me and the way the Holy Spirit works through me. I'm very thankful for the gift!

I pray that you are very blessed and encouraged by my writing(s). All glory and praise goes to the Lord above! I'm just a vessel He has chosen to use..

Let's start with the definition of fornication: sexual intercourse outside marriage; voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried people (not married to one another).

The Bible's definition: sexual immorality; spiritual whoredom (2 Chronicles 21:10-14)

Fornication caused me to get pregnant, which resulted in me being left alone in the end You notice I said, fornication and not sex. I know that line right there went over a lot of people's heads. Married couples can legally have sex with each other in the eyes of God. I'm not married, nor was I married when I conceived my baby.

"There are numerous Scriptures that declare sex before marriage to be a sin (Acts 15:201 Corinthians 5:16:131810:82 Corinthians 12:21;Galatians 5:19Ephesians 5:3Colossians 3:51 Thessalonians 4:3Jude 7). The Bible promotes complete abstinence before marriage. Sex between a husband and his wife is the only form of sexual relations of which God approves (Hebrews 13:4)."

Now, lets talk about the definition of the word alone: separate, apart, isolation from others; unique, unequaled and unexcelled.

Isn't it ironically funny and very interesting how the words separate, apart and unequal are mentioned for the meaning of the word alone? Have any of you made the connection yet?? :)

SIN separates us from GOD! "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear." (Isaiah 59:2)  The Bible also says, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14)

I just want to first off state that the Lord dropped this into my spirit last week, If there is anyone who feels offended by this message, TAKE IT UP WITH GOD! As my Pastor lovingly says, "I know this is God." :) My post is not to judge or attack anyone, but it was put into my spirit to share this message. This is what the Lord gave to me regarding me but I also know this is for SOMEONE else as well! No longer can we feel ashamed and hide regarding our faults and disobedience! If you have repented and turned away from these sins and asked the Lord to deliver you and help you with your daily struggle(s), YOU HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN! The Lord convicts; the devil condemns! STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP AND DWELLING ON THOSE THINGS! Your story needs to be told to help FREE others!

Now, in regards to be being left alone in my pregnancy, it is very much true that you can be a married woman and get pregnant and still end up alone. The husband can get scared; he may not have wanted kids or be isn't for kids; he may not be working and think it's a burden because their fiances aren't right. There could be many reasons. What I believe in my heart when it concerns married couples in those situations, is that because there was a covenant and solid foundation established from the moment they said "I do", that husband, who is the father, can easily be drawn back to his wife, who is his rib, versus someone he has soul ties with.
FYI: Soul ties are very powerful and hard to break away from, but that's another story.
